Siding colors affect curb appeal

10 Ways Pura NFC Siding Can Maximize Curb Appeal

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If you are looking for the best siding to improve curb appeal, you can’t go wrong with low-maintenance colors and finishes proven to stay rich, consistent, and attractive long after other siding options fade away. Pura NFC® by Trespa is a top choice of builders and architects for siding quality and durability. Here are 10 ways Trespa siding will make your house exterior project the envy of the neighborhood for years to come.

Choosing Pura NFC Siding Exterior Colors for Curb Appeal 

Do you want a realistic wood look but with high quality ? Pura NFC® has the most realistic and long-lasting stained wood-look siding material you can find. Eight gorgeous and popular colors in their Wood Decor collection give you a wide range to choose from, or even combine, for your exterior. And every Pura color and siding is tested to surpass industry standards for incredible resistance to weather, fading, and damage. Knowing the color you choose  is proven to not fade, "ugly out", or show wear and tear in a few short years will give you peace of mind about your siding investment.

Trespa Pura wood decors

Pura NFC Siding Is Ideal Small Home Curb Appeal


The lighter gray-tan tone of Mystic Cedar on a small home with big windows makes everything look more expansive.

Decorators will tell you that a smaller home looks bigger, more welcoming, and has more curb appeal when it is a lighter color like gray, white or whitewashed. For siding, choose a beachfront gray like Pura Mystic Cedar or a lighter stained look like Pura Siberian Larch.  

Pura mystic cedar wood decor PU24


Pura NFC Siberian Larch  wood decor PU28



There's more to see. Check out the FREE design ideas download,

"Trespa Residential Projects Portfolio" for more color and design inspiration.


Pura NFC Decors and Farmhouse Style Siding

Want the Farmhouse home style without the high maintenance of a painted wood exterior? The Farmhouse look is here to stay and so is your house siding with Pura NFC®. The wood decor finishes are great options for a traditional finish or a more contemporary look. The added bonus is these colors require almost no maintenance and clean with soap and water! 

To choose a traditional farmhouse look start with a lighter colored finish Classic Oak for a new wood look, Aged Ash for a weathered look. Classic Oak vertical siding gives this farmhouse's peaked windows (below) a beautiful siding finish without lots of upkeep needed to maintain the color.

Trespa Pura NFC Classic Oak using a vertical installation


Are you thinking of a barn house design? You are probably picturing vertical siding, like traditional barn wood, but how to make it seamless? Great news! The Climate-Shield Rainscreen starter rails and clips makes a vertical Trespa siding installation easy, with less time and labor. Rainscreen also makes for a healthier home because the house exterior can "breathe". The rainscreen system works with all Pura NFC® siding horizontally,  vertically, or both, in one design!


classic oak


aged ash



Grab your copy of this FREE download now, with more curb appeal ideas using Trespa siding colors!


A gorgeous barn-inspired with a contemporary look combines Pura NFC® Aged Ash siding on the front and top floor with natural stone for a stunning look. Trespa colors combine beautifully with natural materials like stone and stucco to soften, warm and elevate your home design.  

Trespa Pura NFC siding in Aged Ash blends with natural stone on this contemporary home


Looking for a more modern barn house style? You can't go wrong with Slate Ebony or Romantic Walnut. The darker tones give a sharp updated look to the barn house style. Here, Pura Slate Ebony combined (with classic oak in the entryway) contrasts with the glass and stone details. 


Black Siding - A barn-inspired home with Trespa Pura NFC siding in Slate Ebony and Classic Oak with stone


slate ebony





Pura NFC Siding for Modern Curb Appeal

If you are searching for modern siding colors that give you the look spectacular and have the best return on investment, look no further. Pura Wood Decor in Slate Ebony, Ipe and Ryal Mahogany are popular wood decor choices for architects and home designers. 



royal mahogany


Untitled design


Ready for a complimentary quote? Start here: 

The coveted Pura Tropical Ipe wood decor color requires no maintenance to keep its like new golden brown tones. Pura NFC® siding frames this modern glass entryway and building for a modern facade that stands out.   

Modern Siding Tropical Ipe wood decor siding from Pura NFC by Trespa


The Pura Lumen light diffusing colors Metropolis Black and New York Gray provide sleek, futuristic look. Both can provide a rich, velvety smooth, matte siding color that will resist damage and fading for years longer than other sidings. It won't "ugly out" over time, so your exterior design will keep its curb appeal. 

Lumen Metropolis Black decor on this private modern home showcases the light diffusing finish that makes it so special. Can you picture your home design with this matte finish exterior? 

Trespa Pura siding in Lumen Metropolis black on a modern private home


Metropolis Black Pura Lumen decor PUL9000

Pura NFC Lumen Decor Metropolis Black


New York Grey Pura Lumen decor PULl2581

Pura NFC Lumen Decor Metropolis Black



Lumen New York Gray decor on this commercial building (with cool blue lighting accents) shows what could be done with a smooth, matte gray siding on a modern city residence.View from driveway 1 Casino Mine Ranch Winery Pura NFC by Trespa Lumen New York Grey Photos Courtesy of @paulkozal (5)

Pura NFC Lumen Decor in New York Grey

Pura NFC in Gray Siding Tones

Are you wanting popular gray house siding, but one that stands apart from all the others? No need to be cookie cutter, Pura NFC® wood decors will stand out and look amazing on your street. Imagine coming home to one of these welcoming cool gray home exteriors.

Relax and enjoy the waterfront with no worries about your siding. Pura NFC® Mystic Cedar siding looks like grayed-out cedar without the maintenance. Pura NFC® siding is quality tested and proven for high resistance to  UV rays and harsh weather without fading or cracking. 

Gray Siding Pura NFC siding in Mystic Cedar wood decor on the California waterfront


Pura NFC® Siberian Larch wood decor gives you a light gray that gives you that "instantly weathered" look, like this lakefront home below. 

Gray Siding Trespa Pura siding Siberian Larch wood decor in Washington


Pura NFC® Aged Ash wood decor lends itself to a gray-brown exterior as an accent or the whole home exterior.  The incredibly realistic wood grain look will not wear away and the color stays consistent. 

Gray Siding Trespa Pura NFC in Aged Ash

Pura NFC Siding in Black

Wanting a black house exterior? Want house siding that makes a statement in your neighborhood? Give your home a contemporary look with a traditional flavor. This traditional peaked roof home with contrasting white trim flips the black and white farmhouse theme. 

Black Siding - Trespa Pura in Slate Ebony with whote trim

Want to see these colors in your hands? Request a free sample here and we will get that right out to you!

Pura Lumen decor Metropolis Black really shines as an architectural accent on this garden building by a pond. Matte black accents can bring a plain home exterior to life through contrast.

Black siding - Trespa Pura Lumen in Metropolis Black on a garden building with large windows

There's more ideas in store for you inside this FREE download. See real-life Trespa Pura NFC® siding projects that inspire.

Combine, Contrast, and Mix and Match with Pura NFC Siding

Can't choose? Wishing you could combine colors? There's lots of ways to design your siding project using multiple Pura NFC® wood decors and materials. Below is a private home with an office that mixed Pura wood decors in three grays. They visually wrap the building in long lines of color, then accented with solid matte  Lumen Metropolis Black siding. This striking combination is unforgettable to anyone driving by. 

Trespa Pura NFC wood decor siding in a gray and black color combination


Visitors will be impressed with the dynamic combination on this guest house using Pura NFC® wood decor siding colors. The visually energized design complements the architecture with random lengths of reds, browns and grays.

Trespa Pura NFC wood decor siding in a bright color combination



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