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Many of our clients love the look of a hidden deck fastener on their hardwood deck installation. A hidden deck fastener provides a cleaner and sleeker look for their beautiful hardwood deck boards. Other clients prefer the strength of using a screw to fasten their deck boards and don't mind the appearance of the head of a deck screw.
For clients who want a deck with hidden deck fasteners, we suggest using pre-grooved 1” hardwood deck boards (5/4 nominal) or thicker. A biscuit joiner can also be used in the field to create your own grooves for your decking boards. Many deck builders and homeowners find it much simpler, faster and more efficient to buy their deck boards pre-grooved. This allows you to position each deck board wherever it works best for your decking layout quickly and easily. We find the greater strength and stability of using 5/4" pre-grooved decking boards provides many years of worry-free deck ownership.
Some decking suppliers sell 3/4" pre-grooved decking material. We do not recommend pre-grooving ¾” deck boards (1” nominal) for several reasons:
Thicker, Narrower Deck Boards Work Best with Hidden Deck Fasteners
We offer pre-grooved hardwood decking material available in the following sizes and species for use with hidden deck fasteners:
For additional information about pre-grooved high density hardwood decking species, please follow any of the links below:
Learn more about hidden deck fasteners and other fastening options