Ipe wood rainscreen adds beauty and sustainability to commercial design

Ipe RainScreen Project - 110 Grill, Nashua, NH

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When Robert Walker, owner of the 110 Grill in Chelmsford, MA, decided to open a second 110 Grille location in Nashua, NH, he selected the Architectural firm of J.D. LaGrasse and Associates (Andover, MA) to design their new restaurant. Known for their residential and commercial project designs, LaGrasse appointed Registered Architect Juliana Hoch to the project who created a show-stopping exterior façade for this sophisticated family eatery.

Climate-Shield Rain Screen Siding System with Ipe Hardwood Siding


Visual appeal is supplied to the exterior by combining natural siding materials that are laden with texture and color: sheet metal, hardwood and stone. When LaGrasse and Associates wanted a rich-looking siding material for the building's main entrance/focal point that would require limited upkeep, they chose Mataverde Ipe wood siding which is known for its durability and natural beauty. The sustainable hardwood rain screen siding was installed using the Climate-Shield Rain Screen Wood Siding System. 




Republic Building Contractors, Inc, a commercial construction firm from Danvers, MA was selected to build the project. Project manager Mark Rogers worked with his team to deliver the stunning finished project. Although Rogers' previous construction projects offered limited opportunity to work with wood rain screen siding, he was pleased with the finished results on the new 110 Grill which used the Climate-Shield Rain Screen System. Mark said, “it all came together very nicely.” Jim Ward, President of Republic Building, wholeheartedly agreed and informed us that they would be using Mataverde wood rain screen siding in upcoming projects. We look forward to featuring photos of those sites as well for our blog subscribers.

The Climate-Shield rain screen system is considered by many to be the best wood rainscreen system available. Ease of installation and flexibility of design are two key features of this remarkable sustainable design option. Clients have the option of choosing a wide variety of all natural wood cladding options from thermally modified siding to high density hardwoods such as Ipe wood and other species.

If you have a completed rain screen project, please send us your photos. We may possibly feature it in on our website or in future blog articles. Contact Mataverde

Please visit the Mataverde website for more information about Ipe hardwood rain screen siding, the Climate-Shield Rain Screen System and photos of completed rain screen projects. 

Rain Screen Siding Project Photo Gallery

Climate-Shield Rain Screen System

Rain Screen Installation Guidelines


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