Compare Ipe Decking to Other Wood Decking such as Red Cedar and Pressure Treated Decking
Mataverde Premium Ipe hardwood decking is an all natural, sustainable decking material that totally outshines red cedar decking and pressure treated decking materials on virtually every measurable performance rating. From a durability and performance standpoint, Ipe and other hardwood decking materials beat softwood decking by a wide margin. See how this remarkable hardwood decking species compares to red cedar and pressure treated decking in the "Ipe Decking versus Softwood Decking" comparison chart below.
What happens to wood decking after 15 years? The true story is amazing. Watch how Ipe hardwood decking outlasts all other wood decking species. Watch the short video of our on-site testing here.
Comparison Chart
Mataverde Ipe Decking vs Red Cedar and Pressure Treated Decking
As you can see in the chart below, Ipe high density hardwood decking beats red cedar decking and pressure treated decking handily when comparing density, strength of decking materials, splintering and many more criteria.
Real wood product | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Sustainably harvested material | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Low Maintenance | Yes | No | No |
25 Year Warranty | Yes | No | No |
Insect Resistance | Yes | No | No |
Rot Resistance | Yes | No | No |
Cupping | Low | Med. | High |
Splitting | Low | Med. | High |
Warping | Low | Med. | High |
Checking | Low | Med. | High |
Splintering | Low | Med | High |
Heat Retention | Low | Low | Low |
Stability | High | Med | Med |
Strength | High | Med | Med |
Span Capacity | High | Med | Med |
Density | High | Low | Med |
Initial Decking cost | Moderate-High | Moderate | Low |
Life Cycle cost / SF / year | Low | High | High |
Ready to price your Ipe wood decking project? Click below now to request a free quote.