What is Garapa Wood?

Garapa is a high-density hardwood species native to Brazil. It ranks among one of the most popular species of Brazilian tropical hardwood. It is sometimes called "Brazilian Ash", "Grapia" or a "Brazilian Hardwood". It is a high-density, durable hardwood species that is ideal for use in exterior structures including decks, wood siding, wood rainscreen and more. Garapa's beautiful golden tones will enhance your project with a warm, natural look. 

High-density exotic hardwood deck materials such as Garapa lumber, and other species like Jatoba, Machiche, and Ipe, are truly the best natural wood deck material options available. It is beautiful, durable hardwood species that can handle heavy foot traffic. It also offers a lighter colored decking material option for your deck.  The lower cost also makes it an affordable choice for a hardwood decking material. 


What Makes Mataverde Premium Garapa Decking Stand Out?

Mataverde Premium Garapa decking is a tough, real wood deck surface with a soft looking, satiny grain. Despite being a little lower density than some of the other high-density exotic hardwood options, this golden toned Brazilian hardwood is considerably stronger, harder, and heavier than Oak. 


•    Sustainability: Responsibly harvested in Northern Brazil. An environmentally friendly renewable resource that lasts beautifully. 
•    Exceptionally Strong: Withstands lots of wear and tear, and is a great real wood option for high-traffic areas for residential or commercial projects. 
•    Scratch-Resistance: Perfect for families, pets, and heavy foot traffic, even boardwalks. 
•    Warranty: Mataverde Garapa wood is backed by a 25-Year Limited Warranty. This ensures peace of mind and satisfaction throughout decades of usage. 

Garapa hardwood is a golden, honey blonde tone and exhibits lots of grain character, striping and color variation. It will turn a honey amber tone quickly.  

From a durability standpoint, Garapa deck wood is extremely hard and comparatively dense so it will resist the typical punishment decking is expected to withstand and keep it's good looks. This wood species has a high decay resistance rating throughout all fibers of the wood. The naturally high density and natural oils make it more resistant to termite and other insect attacks than softwoods like teak, cedar and pine.


Looking for the best wood decking material? Grab your copy of the "Ultimate Guide to Selecting The Right Decking" now.

The Beauty of Garapa: Color and Graining


Mataverde Premium Garapa Decking is all heartwood and ranges in color from a sun-kissed honey blonde to a rich golden brown which will darken slightly with age to an amber color. While the soft ribbon-like graining of Garapa decking is similar to maple or mahogany, it has a beauty all its own. When left to weather naturally, this hardwood species eventually turns a soft silvery platinum hue over time.

Golden color Garapa wood boards on a rooftop deck by Mataverde Decking


This softer look graining of this Brazilian hardwood translates to a subtler variation in color and grain compared to other high-density exotic decking boards. But just like a natural wood floor inside a home, no two pieces are ever exactly alike. The rich variations in this species, though more subtle, reflect the character and beauty of this exotic natural species of tropical hardwood. Garapa lumber is a handsome and affordable exterior building material that is well suited for numerous projects. We've added a Garapa Deck Project Photo Gallery to show you its many stunning uses.

Would you like a closer look at Garapa deck wood?


Want to see an actual piece of Garapa wood? Order a decking sample today.


Mataverde Garapa Hardwood Appearance Options

What will Garapa exterior hardwood look like as it ages? It is well known for its beauty, strength, affordability, and durability. It starts out as a yellowy golden color. As it ages, it will first darken to an amber, honey colored tone. This color can be enhanced by a light coat of a UV inhibitive finish, such as Penofin Hardwood Formula. You can choose to oil the deck boards periodically. Or you can choose to let the wood mellow out to gray silvery tones, naturally over time. You have appearance and maintenance options to choose from. Here's a glimpse of these options and the life-cycle performance of Garapa wood. 

Sample of Garapa hardwood natural weathering cycle picture by Mataverde Decking


Need a quick guide About how Garapa wood decking weathers? There's a free reference guide for you. 

Download your FREE copy now.

Mataverde Garapa Physical Characteristics and Mechanical Properties

Garapa deck glistening in the rain by Mataverde Decking

Garapa decking has a bending strength of 12,900 psi.  That means that this Brazilian hardwood will span greater distances with very little deflection. The less deflection in a deck board means a more solid decking that will "bounce" less when you walk on it. Garapa has a Janka hardness rating of 1,630 lbf. (In comparison, Red Oak has a Janke hardness rating of 1,220 lbf.) The only other wood decking options that are stronger than Garapa decking? Other high density hardwood decking materials such as Ipe, Machiche, Jatoba, and Cumaru.

Mataverde Garapa Decking has very good dimensional stability. Shows only minor movement after it is milled. It is kiln dried, (known as KD lumber), minimizing any shrinkage and checking (splitting). It is a great material option to provide an all-natural, real wood deck surface that is just right for your project.



A stable, consistent and durable high density deck wood material


Garapa lumber is up to three times harder than pine, cedar and redwood. It has a Janka hardness of 1,630 lbf.


Has a bending strength of 12,900 psi. That means this wood will span greater distances with very little deflection. The less deflection in a deck board means your deck is more solid and will "bounce" less when you walk on it.


Garapa lumber is high-density so it is naturally pest and rot resistant. It has a density of .79 g/cm3. 

Looking for a price for your deck project? Request a material quote today!

Garapa Decking Installation Tips and Techniques

Garapa backyard deck with peaceful views and furniture at Mataverde Decking

Like other hardwood decking materials, Garapa has special installation methods. For best results, this decking can be installed by any one of the following deck installation methods:

  • Pre-drilling the deck boards and then screwing the boards directly to the deck joists with stainless steel screws.
  • Hidden deck fasteners. May also be installed using Mataverde concealed deck fasteners. No screw heads are visible in the deck boards when you use pre-grooved deck boards and Mataverde hidden deck fasteners. Make sure you have adequate deck clearance and ventilation when using hidden fasteners for best results.

Garapa is Well-Suited to Outdoor Projects

Garapa lumber is very suitable for a wide variety of outdoor projects, which make them an excellent choice when you’re looking to build a durable, beautiful, and long-lasting outdoor structure or deck.

 Mataverde Garapa Decking Care & Maintenance

Garapa deck on a tiny home in the Maine woods by the ocean from Mataverde Decking

Garapa is a low maintenance decking material. Like any other decking boards, it should be cleaned as needed to remove debris and dirt and look its best. it can be left alone to weather naturally. It may also be oiled with a decking sealer with a UV Protectant, such as Penofin Hardwood Formula Penetrating Oil Finish, for a darker and richer appearance on your deck.

How Does Garapa  compare to other decking options?

Garapa hardwood decking is an all natural sustainable decking material that is the most affordable option of premium hardwood decking while still significantly higher than other wood decking, composite decking, plastic decking, and more in nearly every measurable performance rating. 

Looking for some design ideas? Need some  inspiration?

Download the free "Deck Design Ideas Portfolio", 61 pages featuring over 150 deck design ideas!

Garapa Projects Garapa Decking vs Ipe Decking
Garapa Decking vs Synthetic Materials Garapa Hardwood: A Great Decking Material
Garapa vs Other Woods What Is Garapa lumber? 
Garapa Decks Project Photo Gallery Garapa Is Beautiful and Affordable
How Does Ipe Decking Compare to Garapa Wood? Garapa Wood Project Ideas